With the “Geheimnis der Geheimnisse” another cracking ratchet game is played in a way that comes loose in Indiana Jones and the big circle. It is necessary to make the right combination for a safe recovery with the help of two holistic images and a planetary diagram. That Lösung comes here!

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“Geheimnis der Geheimnisse” started

This Rätsel can only be released after he has heard Antonio’s clerical Schlüssel in the Story in the Vatican, and has done so. With the Schlüssel könnt ihr das Nebenzimmer in the Sistine Chapel aufschliesen.

In the Nebenraum der Sistinischen Kapelle findet das Rätsel statt.In the Nebenraum der Sistinischen Kapelle findet das Rätsel statt.
In the Nebenraum der Sistinischen Kapelle findet das Rätsel statt. (© Screenshot and Bearbeitung GIGA)

Im Raum finds a small Tresor, for one Code wasted. If Hinweise habt ihr Nicolettis Kort anyway, that’s it Planet diagramm from the Schublade am Schreibtisch.

Blessed Peter and Blessed Paul

In Nicoletti’s Brief about the entscheidende Hinweis: “Schauen Sie in die Sterne en auf die Heiligen. First Petrus met dem Schlüssel, dann Paulus met dem Schwert”. Neben dem Tresor and in the Ecke des Raums their jewels can exclude Holzstatuen of Peter and Paul. Be inspired and inspired by the images you see later.

Notice the symbol for Peter on the left and Paul on the right.Notice the symbol for Peter on the left and Paul on the right.
Notice the symbol for Peter on the left and Paul on the right. (© Screenshot and Bearbeitung GIGA)

Here you see your jewelry two white symbolsthe one for Planeten Stehen. Prägt this symbol one.

Use planet diagrams

Jetzt schaut ihr euch das Planetendiagramm genauer an and can regain the Combination. Jeder Planet has a symbol and his next son is a numberier in the display of images, which follows:

  1. Merkur

  2. Venus

  3. Erde

  4. Mars

  5. Jupiter

  6. Saturn

  7. Uranus

  8. Neptune

The fehlenden numbers and the symbol for the Mars can be one of the best images.The fehlenden numbers and the symbol for the Mars can be one of the best images.
The fehlenden numbers and the symbol for the Mars can be one of the best images. (© Screenshot and Bearbeitung GIGA)

Now you can find the planet symbol of the statues and find it like that Code 4-4-7-1 for the Tresor Heraus. It is a good idea to use one of the found books “Cutman I”, so that a perfect book with a hidden note appears. You can find more information about other matters with us:

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